FORU continues to provide the latest information that can be accessed easily and quickly by the stakeholders through the company’s official website or through the Indonesia Stock Exchange, available at FORU has presented important information that can be used by stakeholders to analyze the performance of the company, such as position, condition, financial performance and prospects available in the Annual Reports, Periodic Reports, Finance and Interim as well as press releases and other information disclosure to the public. The information continues to be updated regularly, so that the public always receives the latest information about FORU.

In addition, FORU also provides a means of internal communication for the Fortuners that consists of electronic and printed media. Through the portal of Galaktika, Fortuners can share everything from photos, blogs, news, and others. In addition to its function as networking services, it also serves as a forum of introductions for new Fortuners; through this portal the Fortuners manuals dedicated to the Fortuners can also be downloaded. A Blog of informational activities is managed by a team of corporate communications which also became an active communication means in the form of news and photos. Other means of communication is through utilizing an internal mailing list in addition to other mailing lists; in particular there is a religious mailing list where people can post religious news/ information.

In print media, the Fortuners use posters as one means of internal communication. The poster can be an invitation to help flood victims, the design competition among Fortuners and so forth. In additional, FORU also published the Hajar!! book which is a story of the 40-year struggle of Fortune since its establishment. This book is also serves as an introduction to the company, such as the values upheld by Fortune – also success stories of the company. The effort of information dissemination is a commitment of FORU to meet the needs of the public’s right regarding the information about the company as well as to apply the principles of good corporate governance, especially in terms of transparency and accountability.