A Whistleblowing policy is a system to manage complaints/disclosures about illegal behavior as well as a high commitment to implement good corporate governance in accordance with its principles.

As a public company, FORU protects all internal and external parties who wish to submit a complaint to the Audit Committee for any information deemed inappropriate or inaccurate. Particularly, the disclosure of information related to important areas such as annual or financial reports, press releases, and so on. This policy is also made so that any violations found externally or internally can be followed up immediately without disrupting ongoing business stability, affect the image and reputation of the company, as well as to create the climate of openness on all the company’s resources while still ensuring that the whistleblower with the proper complaint will not experience losses due to FORU commitment to uphold ethical, moral, and legal.

Submission Procedures

  1. By letter containing a description of the complaint addressed to: Audit Committee, Galaktika Building 2nd floor, Jalan Harsono RM No. 2, Ragunan, South Jakarta 12550
  2. By email containing a description of the complaint addressed to: komiteaudit@foru.co.id

Admission of Report

  1. The entire complaint submitted to the Audit Committee in the form of the letter shall be opened by at least two members of the Audit Committee, while complaints via email will be forwarded to all members of the Audit Committee. Letters that have been opened must be reported to the other members of the Audit Committee.
  2. After the acceptance of letter, the appointed member of Audit Committee makes a list of complaints that contains:
    • Description of complaint
    • Actions taken related to the complaint as a result of the investigation
    • Result of review
    • Decision taken by the Audit Committee based on, but not limited to the recommendation of Commissioner, etc.
  3. Access to the List of Complaints and related files is limited to members of the Audit Committee and other parties designated or approved by the Audit Committee.
  4. The internal or external parties that intend to send a complaint may follow the procedures that have been mentioned by:
    • States the name without special request
    • States the name but with special request to keep the confidentiality of identity
    • As anonymous The complaint is entered in full, either signed or anonymously, and will be studied, discussed and processed, according fair consideration to the evidence and contents of the complaint. When possible, the complainant is advised to include his or her identity for the sake of facilitating the investigative process. While the complainant is not required to appear, he or she needs to present a convincing case in order to prove his or her allegations.

Handling of and Response to the Complaint

  1. Once a complaint is received, the Audit Committee will establish ways of handling. The Audit Committee may delegate the handling of the complaint to the appointed special team.
  2. A complainant will receive follow-up information, dealing with the specifics of his or her complaints, unless he or she decides to remain anonymous, or does not wish to receive any such follow-up information. The follow-up information is in the form of:
    • Notification of the acceptance of complaint
    • Indication of the measures taken to deal the complaints
    • Notification about the process of initial investigation
    • Notification about whether or not further investigation is conducted and the reasons
  3. The Whistleblower will be informed the results of the investigation by considering the legal aspects.
  4. A Special team appointed by the Audit Committee reports the status of the investigation and all steps that have been taken at regular meetings of the Audit Committee.
  5. All files related to the investigation will be treated confidentially and retained by the Audit Committee or other parties designated by the Audit Committee for five years.

Retaliation Prohibition

Company and all its employees are not allowed to take detrimental action to the party who has good intent in conveying the complaint according to the procedure, such as harassing, threatening, suspend, dismiss, or other discriminatory actions.

Baseless Accusations

Any complaints or allegations that have no basis, especially those that can damage the reputation of the company or certain employees, shall be considered as serious offense and may be subject to sanctions up to and including the termination of employment. Protection for whistleblowers as described in “Retaliation Prohibition” does not apply to the whistleblower that already knows the complaint and evidence are not valid or the truth is doubtful.